





T型接口又叫T型承插劃入式柔性接口,是球墨鑄鐵管***常用的接口型式。使用歷史60年,是 密封效果******的接口。

The T-type joint, also known as the T-type socket-spigot flexible joint, is the most common joint for ductile iron pipes. With a history of 60 years, it is the best joint for sealing.

T 型接口密封原理 Sealing principle of T-type joint

T型接口安裝時,管子在插口外壁擠壓,安放在承口內(nèi)的橡膠圈,使其壓縮變形,而產(chǎn)生一定的 接觸壓力,利用橡膠圈的自密封作用來保持接口的密封性。

When the T-type joint is installed, the pipe is squeezed on the outer wall of the spigot, the rubber ring placed in the socket is compressed and deformed to generate certain contact pressure, and the self-sealing action of the rubber ring is used to maintain the sealing property of the joint.

T 型接口特點 Characteristics of T-type joint

該接口具有結(jié)構(gòu)簡單。安裝方便.密封性能好等特點,在窗口結(jié)構(gòu)上考慮了密封圏和接口的偏轉(zhuǎn), 通過控制插口的安裝深度,使得接頭具有一定的抽象伸縮量,因此這種接口能適應(yīng)一定的基礎(chǔ)沉降, 同時可利用其偏轉(zhuǎn)角度實現(xiàn)管線長距離的轉(zhuǎn)向安裝,接口。膠圏有硬膠和軟膠兩部分組成,硬膠對 管道接口有一定的支撐和對心作用。

The joint has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient installation, good sealing property and the like. The deflection of the sealing ring and the interface is considered in the window structure. By controlling the installation depth of the spigot, the interface has certain abstract expansion and contraction, so the interface can adapt to certain foundation settlement, and at the same time, the long-distance steering installation of the interface on the pipeline can be realized using its deflection angle. The rubber ring is composed of two parts: hard rubber and soft rubber, wherein the hard rubber has certain supporting and centering effect on the pipeline interface.

涉及領(lǐng)域 Fields involved


地下地上鋪設(shè),且管道的鋪設(shè)坡度不超過20% (地上鋪設(shè))或25% (地下鋪設(shè))

Water delivery with/without pressure, drinking water, sewage pipeline

Laying on and under the ground, the laying slope of the pipeline is not more than 20% (ground laying) or 25% (underground laying)





TF自錨接口采用了 T型接口的密封結(jié)構(gòu)。相比T型接口,它増加了焊接在管子插口端的焊環(huán)、 活動開口擋環(huán)、特殊壓蘭以及連接螺栓以及附件,使接口具有較好的抗拔脫能力。擋環(huán)和壓蘭之間 可以滑動,使接口具有一定的軸向伸縮和偏轉(zhuǎn)能力。

The TF self-anchoring joint uses the sealing structure of the T-type joint. Compared with the T-type joint, it adds a welding ring welded at the pipe spigot end, a movable opening retaining ring, a special pressing flange, a connecting bolt and accessories, so that the interface has better pull-out resistance. The retaining ring and the pressing flange can slide, so that the joint has certain axial expansion and deflection abilities.

TF自錨管推岀的必要性 Necessity ofTF self-anchoring pipe promotion

由于管線在安裝時,經(jīng)常會遇到地基的不均勻沉陷、轉(zhuǎn)彎處無法安裝支墩等的現(xiàn)實情況。所以, 解決接口的防拔脫問題就顯得非常重要。從而開發(fā)了 TF型自錨式接口球墨鑄鐵管。

When a pipe is installed, it often encounters the actual situations that the foundation is not settled uniformly, piers cannot be installed at the turn, etc. So, it is very important to solve the problem of pull-out resistance of the interface. Thus, TF self-anchoring joint ductile iron pipes were developed.

TF 自錨式球墨鑄鐵管的工作原理 Working principle of TF self-anchoring ductile iron pipe

壓力管線在拐彎、三通等處產(chǎn)生的軸向推力使接口處的承插口組件產(chǎn)生相對位移。插口端軸向 應(yīng)力通過焊環(huán)、擋環(huán)、壓蘭、連接螺栓傳遞給承口,從而實現(xiàn)了軸向應(yīng)力的傳遞,使接口具備防滑 脫能力。當形成約束連接一定長度的管道與周圍土壤的摩擦力超過管道內(nèi)部產(chǎn)生的軸向應(yīng)力時.就 能保證管道的安全運行,從而避免了砌筑混凝土支墩。

The axial thrust generated by the pressure line at corners, tees, etc. causes relative displacement of the spigot assembly at the interface. The axial stress of the spigot end is transferred to the socket through the welding ring, the retaining ring, the pressing flange and the connecting bolt, thereby realizing the transfer of the axial stress and enabling the interface to have the anti-slip capability. When the friction between the pipe having the constrained length and the surrounding soil exceeds the axial stress generated inside the pipe, the safe operation of the pipe can be guaranteed, thereby avoiding the construction of concrete piers.



1. 彎頭、三通、異徑管和堵頭等處;

2. 當管線的鋪設(shè)坡度超過20% (地上鋪設(shè))或25% (地下鋪設(shè))時;

3一設(shè)置混凝土支墩不經(jīng)濟時(如大口徑高壓管線等)或在某些特殊情況下,設(shè)置支墩措施不能 實施時,如:

(1) 施工場地過于狹窄,沒有空間設(shè)置規(guī)范規(guī)定的十噸;

(2) 施工工期緊張等。

The pipeline interface can be prevented from slipping by laying a length of self-anchoring interface ductile iron pipe under the following situations:

1, at elbows, tees, reducers, plugs, etc.;

2, when the laying slope of the pipeline is more than 20% (ground laying) or 25% (underground laying);

3, when the setting of concrete piers is not economic (such as large-caliber high-pressure pipelines, etc.) or cannot be implemented in some special cases, for example:

(1) the construction site is too narrow, and there is no space to set ten tons as specified in the criteria;

(2) the construction period is short, etc.

T型球墨鑄鐵管的安裝 Installation of T-type ductile iron pipe


Clean the socket and spigot —> clean the rubber ringinstall the rubber ringdetach the pipe (discharge the pipe)brush the lubricant on the outer surface of the spigot and the rubber ringpush the pipe to insert into the socketcheck.

球墨鑄鐵給水管安裝要點:Installation points of ductile iron water supply pipe:


■清理膠圈、上膠圈:將膠圈上的粘著物清擦干凈,把膠圈彎為“梅花形”或“8”字形裝入承口槽內(nèi), 并用手沿整個膠圈按壓一遍,或用橡皮錘砸實,確保膠圈各個部分不翹不扭,均勻地卡在槽內(nèi)。

■在插口外表面和膠圏上涂刷潤滑劑:將潤滑劑均勻地涂刷在承口安裝好的膠圈內(nèi)表面、在插口外 表面涂刷潤滑劑時要將插口線以外的插口部位全部刷勻。

■ Clean the socket: remove all debris from the socket.

■ Clean and install the rubber ring: clean the adhesive on the rubber ring, bend the rubber ring into a plum shape or 8 shape and install it into the socket, press the entire rubber ring once by hand or tamp it with a rubber mallet to ensure that each part of the rubber ring is not warped or twisted and is evenly caught in the groove.

■ Brush the lubricant to the outer surface of the spigot and the rubber ring: brush the lubricant evenly on the inner surface of the rubber ring installed on the socket, and brush the entire spigot outside the spigot line when brushing the outer surface of the spigot.

膠圈安裝 Install the rubber ring

■球墨鑄鐵管在安裝型橡膠圈前,先用鋼絲刷清理承口內(nèi)側(cè)膠圈球頭座及凸像座槽溝,表 面應(yīng)平整光滑,無任何機械雜質(zhì)。然后在球頭座處刷一層與膠圈不起反應(yīng)的潤滑劑(或肥皂劑)。

■往承口內(nèi)安裝型膠圈時,用右手將膠圏握成“凹”型,左手配合將膠圈硬凸緣牢固壓入 定位溝槽內(nèi)’定位后再依次將膠圈壓平展.緊固于承口內(nèi)。

■球墨鑄鐵管在安裝型像膠圈時,為了便于安裝’可以將膠圈兩點握成“8”型.這樣可 以從兩側(cè)將凸緣先壓入定位槽內(nèi),防止凸緣彈岀定位溝槽。


■插口端頭到插入深度標記這一段外皮清理后,也刷一層潤滑劑,然后用合適的工具(撬棍、手 拉葫蘆等),將插口保持同心地插入承口座,直到******條標記線消失為止。

■球墨鑄鐵管的型橡膠圈安裝完畢后,應(yīng)用特別的塞尺,沿四周控測一次間隙’以判斷膠 圈位置是否正確無誤。

■球墨鑄鐵管的型膠圈低于0攝氏度氣溫將變硬.因此安裝管道時,應(yīng)事先將膠圈貯存在 大于10攝氏度的室內(nèi)。



Before the UT" type rubber ring is installed at the ductile iron pipe, clean the rubber ring ball seat inside the socket and the convex seat groove with a wire brush to ensure a smooth surface without any mechanical impurities. Then brush a layer of lubricant (or soap) that does not react with the rubber ring at the ball seat.

■ When the T type rubber ring is installed into the socket, hold the rubber ring into a "concave” shape with the right hand, press the hard flange of the rubber ring firmly into the positioning groove with the left hand, flatten the rubber ring after positioning, and fasten it in the socket.

■ When the T rubber ring is installed at the ductile iron pipe, in order to facilitate the installation, the rubber ring can be held in a shape at two points, so that the flange can be first pressed into the positioning groove from two sides to prevent the flange from popping up the positioning groove.

■ After the “T” rubber ring of the ductile iron pipe is installed, brush a layer of lubricant film on the inner surface of the rubber ring to facilitate the pushing of the spigot.

After the outer surface from the spigot end to the insertion depth mark is cleaned, also brush a layer of lubricant, then use an appropriate tool (a crowbar, a chain hoist, etc.) to insert the spigot concentrically into the socket seat till the first marking line disappears.

■ After the UT' rubber ring of the ductile iron pipe is installed, use a special feeler gauge to measure the clearance along four sides to judge whether the position of the rubber ring is correct.

■ The T rubber ring of the ductile iron pipe will become hard at the temperature of less than 0 c . Therefore, when a pipe is installed, the rubber ring should be stored in a room of more than 10'c in advance.

Ductile iron pipes and rubber rings are protected from sunlight and rain during transportation, and sharp puncturing and oil attack are prohibited.

■ The rubber rings of the ductile iron pipes should be stored in a cool and dry place, should not be twisted

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